719 4th Street
Crested Butte, CO 81224 (970) 349-5051
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” I felt a feeling of unconditional love,” is the most frequent comment Master Reiki Teacher and Universal Life Minister, Barb Pachla hears from her clients after a Reiki session. Reiki can help release stress and emotions, increase creativity and awareness and balance energy. All aspects of a person’s health (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) can be helped with Reiki. Those receiving Reiki treatments truly heal themselves. A Reiki practitioner acts only as a vessel through which clients draw the energy they need to create balance.
Reiki is an ancient and simple system of healing through the “laying on of hands.” It is completely non-invasive therapy and does not use force, pressure or manipulation of limbs. A Reiki treatment is usually carried out on a massage table, with the client lying down fully clothed. It involves gently touching the client with about 15 combinations of had positions on the head and body. These hand positions are held in a gentle manner while the Reiki energy is channeled through the practitioner into the client. Some people feel heat or warmth, some feel a tingling sensation and others simply become deeply relaxed.
Spiritual Principles of Reiki * Just for today, I will let go of anger. * Just for today, I will let go of worry. * Just for today, I will give thanks for my blessings. * Just for today, I will do my work honestly. * Just for today, I will be kind to my neighbor & all living things
Teaching of Reiki, Universal Life MinisterBarb’s spiritual and healing journey began in a fully committed manner in June of 1997 when a number of crises began to bombard her. She started seeing an energy and Reiki Practitioner (Judy Theis) who helped her to start looking at her life and all of life in a completely different and powerful way. Since that time she has taken classes to be a Reiki Practitioner and went on to complete her Reiki Master Teacher apprenticeship. She is now teaching others to bring Universal Light to themselves and to our world. Reiki is empowering to those who are serious about their spiritual journey and these are the people she asks to work with. The Universal Light is sent with unconditional love to help each in a way that their spirit chooses as requested. She has a BA of Arts & Science from Central Michigan University and has been practicing Reiki since 1999. Healing Celebrations: As a Universal Life Minister, Barb performs weddings, house blessings, naming ceremonies, baptisms, rites of passage, and other services as requested.
A member of Crested Butte Spirit, Mind, Body.